Thursday, March 3, 2011

Food Experiment-Day 2

Annie had a friend staying a few days and she doesn't dig vegetables.  Since it was just the 3 of us tonight, I kept it simple.

A couple of weeks ago, I picked up some Annie's organic mac and cheese on sale 2 for $3.  Added butter and milk for a total of $3.75  This served 3 bowls for dinner and 2 more for lunch the next day. .75 cents per serving!

Annie and I also had a salad of spinach, beets, blood oranges, navel oranges (all organic) and 2 chopped up leftover chicken breast (bought on sale last week, 6 breasts for $5, so I stocked up!) and a balsamic vinegar dressing.  I have been making this for my to-go lunches often this winter. I like to add grapefruit and red onions, but didn't have any tonight.  It's a meal in itself!

Organic spinach $2.00

2 chicken breasts  $1.75

2 cups organic beets (I cooked and marinated them) $2.00

2 organic blood oranges (def, the splurge at $2.99 lb)  $2.00

1 organic navel orange $ 25 cents

for a total of $7.50 for the salads. That's $3.75 each!

Dinner for 3 and 2 lunches= $11.25

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